Anatomy - Upper limb - Forearm and Wrist
2010/1: Demonstrate the bony features of the elbow joint. Demonstrate the capsular attachments of the elbow.Describe the collateral ligaments of the elbow. Describe the movements of the elbow joint.
2009/2: Identify the extensor muscles of the forearm at the level of the wrist. What is the nerve supply of this compartment? Describe how the action of these muscles produces thumb movement.
2009/2: Please identify the bones in this x-ray. What movements occur at the wrist joint?
2009/1: On this photo indentify the structures bound by the extensor retinaculum. What is the motor supply of these muscles? Describe the sensory supply of the dorsum of the hand.
2008/2: Demonstrate the bony features on these x rays. Indicate the common extensor origin and name the muscles that arise from it.
2008/2: Demonstrate the boundaries of the cubtal fossa. Demonstrate the contents. Describe the course of the brachial artery as it passes through the arm
2008/1: Identify on this specimen the median nerve. Describe the course of the median nerve in the forearm, using the photograph where able. What are the structures supplied by the median nerve? 2008/1: Describe the boundaries of the cubtal fossa. Describe the contents fossa.
2006/2: Using this model please identify the muscles of the flexor compartment of the forearm. You may lift the detachable segment. Please describe the distal insertions of these muscles.
2006/1: Demonstrate the major bony features of the elbow. Outline the capsular attachments of the humerus.
2006/1: Describe the boundaries and contents of the cubtal fossa.
2005/2: Please describe the course of the median nerve distal to the elbow. What are the branches of the median nerve distal to the flexor retinaculum and what do they supply?
2004/2: Identify the bony features of the elbow joint on this x-ray. Demonstrate the attachments of the ulnar collateral ligament on the lateral.
2003/2: Demonstrate the bony features of the elbow joint. Demonstrate the capsular attachments. Demonstrate the ligamentous attachments.
2003/2: On this model demonstrate pronation and supination of the forearm. Which muscles are involved? What nerves are required for pronation and supination?
2003/1: Identify the major features of this bone. What muscles are involved in flexion of the elbow?