Physiology - Neuromuscular
2009/2: What are the sequence of events in contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle?
2008/2: Describe the sequence of events in contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle. What is summation of contractions?
2007/2: What are the steps in the synthesis of Noradrenaline at a nerve ending? What happens to Noradrenaline released into a synapse? What happens when acetylcholine released into a synapse?
2007/2: Draw and label an action potential of a neuron. What ionic fluxes occur during the action potential? Where are ion channels distributed in myelinated neurons?
2007/2: Describe the sequence of events in the contraction of skeletal muscle after discharge of the motor neuron. How does titanic contraction occur? How does this differ from Treppe? What are the major differences in types of skeletal musle?
2007/2: Which catecholamines act as neurotransmitters? Describe the sequence of events at a NORADRENERGEIC SYNAPSE, following stimulation of a sympatheic nerve.
2006/1: Can you give and example of a stretch reflex? Describe the elements of a stretch reflex. What is an inverse stretch reflex?
2005/1: Draw a nerve action potential. What are the ion fluxes that occur during an action potential?
2005/1: Describe the sequence of events in transmission of a motor nerve impulse to a muscle. How does the muscle then become depolarized.
2005/1: Describe the elements that make up a stretch reflex. How do the muscle spindles function?
2004/2: Please describe the synthesis and release of noradrenaline at a synapse. You may draw a diagram. Once it is released, how is the effect terminated? What type of noradrenergic receptors are there?
2004/2: Please describe the synthesis and release of acetyl choline at a nerve synapse. You may draw a diagram. Once it released, how is the effect terminated? What type of cholinergic receptors are there?
2004/2: Describe the synthesis and release of acetyl choline at the neuro-muscular junction? You may draw a diagram. Once it is released, how is the effect terminated?
2004/2: Draw a diagram of the action potential in the sino-atrial node / any pacemaker tissue. What are the effects of sympathetic and vagal stimulation?
2003/1: Draw & label the action potential in a nerve cell. Discuss the factors that affect conduction.