Physiology - Endocrine

2010/1: What are the principle actions of insulin? What happens when insulin binds to its receptor?

2010/1: Outline the steps in the synthesis of catecholamines. What happens to noradrenaline after it is released into the synaptic cleft?

2010/1: What are the physiological effects of the glucocorticoids?

2009/2: Describe the typical serum/urine effects of hyperaldosteronsism. How does aldosterone exert its effect on the kidney?

2009/2: What are the effects of parathyroid hormone on calcium? What are the other effects of parathyroid hormone?

2009/2: Describe how anti-diuretic hormone/vasopressin acts on the kidney. What factors affect ADH secretion?

2009/2: What are the effects of thyroid hormone on the nervous and vascular systems? What other physiological effects does thyroid hormone have on the body?

2009/1: What are the functions of serotonin? What are the steps in the synthesis and catabolism of serotinin?

2009/1: Describe the steps in synthesis of thyroid hormones. What are the physiological effects of T4?

2009/1: How are plasma calcium levels regulated? Describe the regulation of parathyroid hormone levels.

2008/2: Describe the effect of vasopressin. How does vasopressin cause retention of water? What stimuli affect vasopressin secretion?

2008/2: What happens when insulin binds to an insulin receptor? What are the pricnicple actions of insulin?

2008/2: Describe the actions of aldosterone. List the stimuli that increase aldosterone secretion. Describe the feedback regulation of aldosterone secretion.

2008/1: What are the effects of thyroid hormones? What is the mechanism of action?

2008/1: What are the actions of vitamin D? How is the synthesis of vitamin D regulated?

2008/1: What are the physiological effects of glucocorticoids? How is glucocorticoid secretion regulated?

2008/1: Describe the effects of insulin on various tissues. What is the time frame for these effects?

2008/1: What factors influence the level of free calcium in plasma? How does bone resorption occur?

2006/1: What hormones are secreted by adrenal medulla? What are the major effects of these hormones?

2006/1: What are the main effects of insulin? What is the mechanism of action of insulin?

2006/1: Name the principal hormones associated with the regulation of Calcium metabolism. Describe the action of parathyroid hormone. Describe the action of 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol and calcitonin.

2005/2: What are the effects of glucocorticoids? How are the metabolised? How are they controlled?

2005/1: What hormones are produced by the pituitary? What are the physiologic effects of vasopressin?

2005/1: What are the effects of thyroid hormones. How are thyroid hormones synthesized? What are the mechanism of action of thyroid hormones?

2005/1: Physiologically what are the acute consequences of insulin deficiency? Describe the biosynthesis of insulin. Describe the structure of the insulin receptor.

2005/1: What hormone systems are involved in the maintenance of extracellular fluid volume? What are the effects of Atrial Naturetic Peptide in response to fluid overload.

2004/1: Discuss the hormonal control of calcium metabolism. What are the secondary hormones involved. How does a high calcium affect the mechanism you just discussed?

2004/1: Describe how the rennin-angiotensin system regulates blood pressure and flow. What factors regulate rennin secretion?

2004/2: How do the effects of noradreanline and adrenaline differ on the cardiovascular system? How do the effects of adrenaline differ with serum concentration?

2004/2: What is THIRST, and what causes it? What are the actions of vasopressin (ADH) and what influences secretion of this hormone?

2003/2: What factors affect Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) secretion?

2003/2: What physiological factors affect renin secretion? Please give 2 clinical conditions which increase renin secretion and by what mechanism they work.

2003/2: What are the main regulatory factors for aldosterone secretion? Describe the actions of aldosterone.

2003/1: What happens to the insulin secretion when a person is injected with 50ml of 50% Dextrose? Describe the mechanism of insulin secretion.

2003/1: How does the renin-angiotensin system respond to hypotension? What are the other effects of the renin- angiotensin system?

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