Pharmacology - CNS I
2010/1: Describe how phenytoin is administered in status epilepticus? Describe the adverse effects phenytoin.
2010/1: Describe the pharmacokinetics of atropine. At which receptors does atropine act? What are the effects of atropine on heart rate?
2009/2: Describe the pharmacokinetics of propofol. What are the side-effects of propofol?
2009/2: How does ketamine affect the cardiovascular system? What are the side effects of ketamine?
2009/2: Describe the mechanism of action of suxamethonium. What are the side effects of suxamethonium?
2009/2: What is the mechanism of action of local anaesthetics? Which local anaesthetics are used topically?
2009/1: Describe the mechanism of action of carbamazepine. How is carbamazepine metabolised? What is the effect of the metabolism of other drugs?
2008/2: Describe the pharmacokinetics of phenytoin. Describe the pharmacodynamics of phenytoin.
2008/1: Describe the pharmacokinetics of thiopentone. What adverse effects does it cause when used as an anaesthetic induction agent?
2008/1: What is the mechanism of action of atropine? What are the toxic effects of atropine? What are the therapeutic uses for atropine?
2007/2: Why is levodopa used in combination with carbidopa? What are the adverse effects of levodopa?
2007/1: What is the mechanism of action of prilocaine? Describe the adverse effects of prilocaine. How is prilocaine metabolized?
2007/1: What is the mechanism of action of atropine? Give examples of organ effects. What are the features of atropine poisoning?
2006/2: What types of anaesthesia does ketamine produce? Which receptor action produces the anaesthesia? What are the cardiorespiratory effects of ketamine?
2006/2: What is benztropine? What are the adverse effects of benztropine?
2006/1: Describe succinylcholine and its metabolism. What are the adverse effects of depolarising neuromuscular blockade?
2006/1: What are the organ effects of nitrous oxide? What is the mechanism of action of nitrous oxide? Are there any other mechanisms by which nitrous oxide works?
2006/1: What is the mechanism of action of local anaesthetics? How are local anaesthetics classified? Give an example of each group. Describe the ideal local anaesthetic for topical application.
2005/1: Describe the mechanism of action of sodium valproate. What potential drug interactions can occur with sodium valproate?
2005/1: What are the effects of nitric oxide? What are the potential therapeutic applications of nitric oxide?
2005/1: What are the pharmacodynamic effects of lignocaine on the heart? What features distinguish lignocaine from other Class I antiarrhythmics? What are the clinical uses of lignocaine?
2004/2: Explain the chemical classification of local anaesthetics. Explain tachyphylaxis associated with local anaesthetic use.
2004/2: Describe the mechanism of action of lignocaine on the heart. Describe the adverse effects of lignocaine.
2003/1: Describe the pharmacokinetics of propofol. What are the adverse effects of propofol?
2003/1: What are the pharmacokinetics of suxamethonium? What are the adverse effects of suxamethonium?