Anatomy - Thorax
2010/1: What bone is this? What are the bont landmarks? What muscles attach to this bone?
2010/1: Using this model, identify the arterial supply of the heart. What does the right coronary artery supply? Demonstrate the venous drainage of the heart.
2009/2: Describe the surface anatomy of the parietal pleura. How does the surface anatomy of the lung compare to that of the pleura?
2009/1: Identify the vascular structures in this picture. Describe the course of the right subclavian artery. Name the branches of the subclavian artery.
2008/2: Please demonstrate the mediastinal borders on this xray. Please describe the surface anatomy of the heart.
2008/2: What are the different parts of the diaphragm? What are there attachments? How is the nerve supply of the diaphragm? How does contraction of the diaphragm result in ventilation of the lungs?
2008/1: Describe the intercostal muscles. Describe the pattern of distribution of neurovascular structures in the thoracic wall. Describe the arterial supply of the intercostal spaces
2008/2: Identify the chambers of the heart. Identify the valves. Demonstrate the structures of the conducting system of the heart.
2008/1: Demonstrate the chambers of the heart and their borders. Demonstrate the arterial supply to the heart. Demonstrate the venous drainage of the heart.
2007/2: In this picture, please identify the major vascular structures. Please describe the branches of the descending thoracic aorta.
2007/1: Demonstrate the chambers of the heart. What are these valves? Demonstrate the coronary arteries and their branches.
2005/2: What bone is this? Please demonstrate it’s bony features. What are the muscle attachments? Which structures are related to it?
2007/1: Demonstrate the structures that make up the mediastinal contours. What is this structure (arrow) and what are its attachments? What are the openings in the diphragm?
2007/1: What is this bone? What are some of its features? What are the neurovascular relations of this bone? When performing a needle thoracostomy through a lateral intercostal space, what layers are passed through?
2006/1: Using the photograph, demonstrate branches of aortic arch. What are the branches of the 1st part of the subclavian artery? What are the branches of the thyrocervical trunk?
2006/1: What are the surface landmarks for the insertion of anterior and lateral intercostal tubes? What are the layers tranversed when inserting through the lateral chest wall? Where do the intercostal vessels run?
2006/1: On the model, identify the arterial supply of the heart. Point out the course and branches of the left and right coronary artery. Describe the arterial supply to the cardiac conduction system.
2005/2: Identify the chambers and valves of the heart in this model. Identify the structural components of the tricuspid valve. Identify the main features of the right atrium.
2005/1: Identify the mediastinal structures visible on this chest x-ray. Describe the surface markings of the pleura
2004/2: Identify the great vessels on this model. Identify the Ligamentum Arteriosum. What is the role of the ductus arteriosus in the foetus?
2003/1: Identify the mediastinal structures visible in this chest x-ray.