Anatomy - Head and Neck
2010/1: Design and draw the circle of Willis. Which part of the brain is supplied by each of the major arteries?
2010/1: Identify the structures that make up the larynx. Describe the nerve supply of the larynx.
2010/1: Identify the major bony features of this cervical spine X-ray. Describe the ligaments which maintain the alignment of the cervical spine.
2010/1: Demonstrate the walls of the orbit on this X-ray and name the bones that form them. Demonstrate the postion of the infra-orbital nerve on this xray. What structures does the infra-orbital nerve innervate?
2009/2: Identify the muscles responsible for eye movement and describe their function. Which nerves supply each of these muscles?
2009/2: Identify the major vascular stuctures. What are the branches of the subclavian artery? You will not be able to see them in the photo. What are the posterior relations of the thyroid gland?
2009/2: Identify the anatomical features on this CT scan of the base of the skull.
2009/1: Define the boundaries of the anterior triangle of the neck. Describe the surface markings of the carotid sheath in the neck. What are the contents of the carotid sheath? Describe the location of the thyroid gland in the neck.
2009/1: Identify the bones visible on this X-ray. Identify the sinuses on this x ray. Name this structure. What passes through it, and what does it supply?
2009/1: Define the boundaries of the anterior triangle of the neck. Describe the surface markings of the carotid sheath in the neck. What are the contents of the carotid sheath? Describe the location of the thyroid gland in the neck.
2008/2: Using the model demonstrate the main features of the larynx. What is the motor innervation of the muscles of the larynx?
2008/2: Demonstrate the borders of the posterior triangle. Demonstrate the borders of the anterior triangle. What is this structure and what are its branches?
2008/2: Demonstrate the bones that make up the orbit. What are the names of the anatomical features the arrows are pointing to? What structures pass through the superior orbital fissure? Demonstrate the course of the infra orbital nerve and its’ distribution.
2008/1: On this model identify the structures of the larynx and upper airway. Name the muscles of vocalization. Please describe the nerve supply to the intrinsic laryngeal muscles (ie: muscles of vocalisation)
2008/1: On this model identify the structures that make up the floor of the mouth. Describe the innervation of the tongue.
2008/1: Demonstrate the features of the mandible. Describe the features of the temperomandibular joint. Describe the mandibular attachments of the muscles of mastication.
2007/2: Name the visible intracranial structures on this non-contrast CT scan. Demonstrate the areas supplied by the middle cerebral artery and describe the function of these areas.
2007/2: Demonstrate the bony features of C1 and C2 vertebrae evident on this X-ray. What are the components of the soft tissue shadow located anterior to the upper cervical vertebrae?
2007/2: Using this model, what are the extraocular muscles of the eye? What is the nerve supply to these muscles? What is the action of the inferior oblique?
2007/2: Name the visible intracranial structures on this non-contrast CT scan. What structures does CSF pass through to reach the base of brain?
2007/1: What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle of the neck? In this picture the sternomastoid has been removed. Identify the major blood vessels. What other structures can you identify in this picture?
2006/2: What are the terminal branches of the facial nerve? What are the other branches of this nerve?
2007/1: Name the structures shown in this X-ray. Demonstrate the boundaries of the spinal canal on this x-ray.
2006/2: What bony landmarks can you demonstrate on this film? What bones form the orbital margins? Where would you expect to find the infraorbital nerve? What structures does it innervate?
2006/2: What structures can you identify in this picture? Can you describe the branches of internal and external carotid?
2006/2: Using this model describe the structures of the eye. Describe the structure of the walls of the sclera.
2006/1: Identify the structures of the eyeball. Describe the formation of aqueous humour.
2006/1: Could you outline the landmarks of the peg view? What movements occur at C1 and C2?
2006/1: Identify the sensory supply to the pinna. What other nerves supply the ear and the canal.
2005/2: Please identify the branches of the facial nerve on this photograph. Please identify and name some facial muscles innervated by the facial nerve. Please describe the course of the facial nerve once it exits the skull base.
2005/2: On this X-ray please demonstrate the walls of the orbit and name the bones that form them. Please demonstrate the position of the infra-orbital nerve on this x-ray. Please describe the distribution of the infra-orbital nerve.
2005/1: What is this structure? How does the internal jugular vein relate to the carotid artery? Please describe the surface marking of the internal vein?
2005/1: Identify the major bony features of the cervical spine on this X-ray. Using the x ray indicate the location of the ligamentous structures that stabilize the cervical spine.
2005/1: Using this model, identify the muscles that move the eyeball. Describe the nerve supply to these muscles. What is the effect of a 4th cranial nerve lesion?
2005/1: Identify the major structures in this picture. Demonstrate the course of the right subclavian artery.
2005/1: Can you please demonstrate where the muscular attachments to the mandible would be? What movements is the mandible capable of at the TMJ? What factors contribute to the stability of the TMJ?
2005/1: Identify the major structures in this picture. Identify all the branches of the facial nerve.
2004/2: Identify the bones and structures of the cranial vault.
2004/2: Identify the structures visible on the front of this model What is the motor supply of the larynx.
2004/2: Identify this structure, its structures and their relationships to other structures. Identify the branches of the external carotid.
2003/2: Outline the thyroid gland. What vascular structures can be identified at the root of the neck? What are the nerves?
2003/2: Demonstrate the muscles of facial expression as seen on this photograph. Demonstrate the branches of the facial nerve which can be seen on the photograph. Demonstrate the muscles of mastication
2003/1: Describe the sensory innervation of the face. Describe the course and sensory distribution of the infraorbital nerve.