Anatomy - Upper limb - Shoulder, upper arm
2010/1: Describe the superficial venous drainage of the upper limb. Use this photograph if you need to.
2010/1: Identify the components of the brachial plexus as shown in this photo. The vessels have been removed. Identify the muscles visible in this photo.
2009/2: Please identify this bone and its main features. What factors stabilize the shoulder joint? Demonstrate the attachment of the rotator cuff muscles on the humerus.
2009/1: This is a right clavicle. Demonstrate the muscular attachments of this bone. What are the anatomical relations of the medial third of the clavicle? Describe the course of the subclavian vein.
2009/1: Describe the drainage of the superficial lymphatics of the upper limb. Describe the drainage of the deep lymphatics of the upper limb. How do the right and the left subclavian lymphatic trunks drain?
2008/2: What are the dermatomes of the upper limb? Please demonstrate on your own arm. What is the peripheral nerve supply to the skin of the hand?
2007/2: Please demonstrate on yourself the dermatomes of the upper limb. Please describe the innervation of the hand.
2007/2: Describe the bony features of the proximal humerus. What factors contribute to the stability of the glenohumeral joint?
2007/1: Describe the course of the radial nerve in the upper limb. Name the major branches of this nerve in the arm.
2006/1: Demonstrate on these bones the attachments and insertions of the muscles that form the rotator cuff. What is the action of the rotator cuff muscles?
2006/1: Identify the main features of the proximal half of this bone. What are the common sites of fracture in the proximal half of this bone and what nerves are at risk with these fractures?
2005/1: Identify the major bony features of this bone. Which muscles comprise the rotator cuff?
2004/2: On your own arm, demonstrate the dermatomes of the upper limb. What functional deficit results from a radial nerve injury in the mid arm and explain why.
2004/2: The anterior wall of the axilla has been removed. Show us the components of the photo. Photo of dissection: brachial plexus- arrow pointing to the medial cord, subscapularuis, teres major/ lat dorsi). What are the branches of this structure? What anatomical structures are associated with the various components of the brachial plexus?
2003/1: Identify the major bony landmarks of the proximal half of this bone. What are the major muscles of shoulder abduction and can you identify where they insert?
2003/1: Can you describe the venous drainage of the upper limb?