Physiology - Cardiovascular - Vascular
2010/1: What chemical factors regulate coronary blood flow? Describe the neural regulation of coronary blood flow.
2010/1: Describe how tissues regulate their own blood flow.
2008/2: Describe the distribution of blood flow in the lung of an upright subject at rest. What are the main determinants of flow in these three zones? How does the distribution change when the subject becomes supine?
2008/2: Where are baroreceptors found in the body? What is the effect of vessel wall distention on a baroreceptor?
2008/2: What is normal renal blood flow and how can it be measured? How do blood flow and oxygen extraction vary in different parts of the kidney?
2008/1: What are the basic factors which determine the rate of flow of blood through a blood vessel? What factors cause turbulent flow in a blood vessel?
2008/1: What is a typical value for renal blood flow in an adult at rest? What factors regulate renal blood flow?
2007/2: Describe the factors controlling blood flow controlling blood flow through skeletal muscle during exercise. What other circulatory changes occur in the body during exercise and why?
2006/1: What factors affect coronary blood flow?
2005/2: What factors cause turbulence in blood flow? Why is blood flow slower in the capillaries? What is the relationship between pressure and wall tension in blood vessels of different sizes? What is the relationship between pressure and wall tension in the heart?
2005/2: Describe the factors involved in regulating cerebral blood flow. Describe how blood flow can vary in different parts of the brain.
2005/2: Describe the control of renal blood flow.
2005/1: Describe the cardiovascular compensations to acute blood loss. Describe the other physiologic compensations to the acute blood loss.
2005/1: Describe the distribution of blood flow in the lungs. Explain how V/Q matching varies from apex to base in the normal lung. What factors effect pulmonary vascular resistance?
2004/2: Describe how blood flow is regulated at the level of the endothelium. What other general effects do endothelins have on the cardiovascular system?
2004/2: What determines renal blood flow? What are the consequences of a sustained reduction of renal blood flow?
2004/2: What changes in arterial blood pressures do baroreceptors respond to? What happens when the barorecptors detect a fall in arterial pressure? What is the set point?
2003/2: Discuss the central neural control affecting arteriolar tone. Describe the Volume (atrial stretch) reflex.
2003/2: Discuss the hormones that influence arteriolar tone.
2003/2: Discuss the local factors that affect arteriolar tone.