• Doctors

Equipment & Procedures

Last Updated 23/10/2024

Below is a guide to the equipment you may come across in the Emergency Department. If you are not familiar with something, make sure you ask and are orientated to the equipment prior to using it. The CNCs and resus nurses are an excellent resource for much of the equipment in resus (ventilators, defibrillators etc.)

As a general rule, ensure equipment is cleaned and put back in its correct place after use.

We are working on several procedure videos and will update the website when these are available. In the meantime, the team at Life in the Fast Lane have produced an excellent quick reference for many emergency procedures, available both on their website and as an app. It is well worth downloading.

Tracking Down Equipment

'Mobile View' is a program that can be used to track down any piece of equipment (provided it has been tagged) or phone.

Step 1

Either click on the icon on your desktop

Or, if not present it can be located from the intranet by clicking on 'Bendigo Health Apps' then 'Clinical Applications', it is listed there.

Step 2

Click on 'Asset Management'

Step 3

Click on 'Find Specific Asset''

Step 4

Type the item you are looking for in the search box.

If looking for a phone, type in its number

Step 5

Click the item you are looking for

step 6

A map will appear displaying the last known location of the item



Uses Difficult IV Cannulation

POCUS (E-FAST/ Early Pregnancy/etc)

Location 2x Sonosite Xports – opposite critical lifts

1x Sonosite Edge – outside Paeds Treatment Room

1x Phillips Lumify - SSOU

How to use Prior to using our ultrasound machines, please read the POCUS of ED Central.

Junior staff are asked not to use US without supervision, unless you have had specific training, including for IV cannulation.

After-care Turn machine off.

Wipe down machine and ultrasound probes with a V-wipe.

Ensure probes are placed in the appropriate receptacles and not hanging off the side of the machine.

Return and plug into power, so the machine can charge.

Video POCUS on ED Central


Uses Synchronised Cardioversion

Defibrillation – ALS

Transcutaneous Pacing

Location Each Resus Cubicle has its own Defibrillator.

Resus Trolley outside Barnard (Old SSOU), used for Code Blues in ED outside Resus Cubicles

Transport AED’s – Main Drug Room

How to use covered as part of mandatory ACLS training


Uses 4x Hamilton Transport Ventilators

-       Invasive Ventilation

-       Non-invasive Ventilation

Location 4x Resus Cubicles / Iso 14
How to use
After-care Disposable patient circuit is removed and discarded.

Nursing Staff to ensure, cleaned and prepared for next use.

Video Coming soon


Uses Used routinely for most intubations in ED – can be used for Direct Laryngoscopy as well.

-       Definite indication in suspected difficult intubations.

Location CMAC – used in Bendigo ED

-       2x CMAC Screens (Kept in the back of Resus Bays)

-       2x MAC 4 blades (Resus 4)

-       2x MAC 3 blades (Resus 4)

-       1x Miller 1 blade (Resus 4)

-       1x D-blade (Resus 4)

-       1x Light source that can be used with disposable blades (Size3/4 MAC blades)

How to use Ensure CMAC Screen, is ready and turns on.

Decide which blade will be most appropriate – usually CMAC size 4.

Connect the Blade to Screen and ensure that an image can be seen.

After-care CMAC blade needs to be sent to CSSD for cleaning.

-       Please ensure the connector cap is sent with and not thrown away.



Uses Used in the event of Cannot Intubate Cannot Oxygenate situations, while attempting intubation or for upper airway obstruction.
Location Red bag, that hangs on the wall in Resus – opposite Resus 4.
How to use Cricothyroidotomy (Scalpel-Finger-Bougie)

-       Surgical Marker Pen

-       Scalpel (10)

-       Rochester Pean Forceps

-       Bougie (Rapi-fit adapter)

-       Size 6-0 ETT

-       10ml Leur Lock Syringe

-       10ml N.Saline

-       Gauze

Needle Cric Set

-       14g Cannulae

-       Syringe and Saline

-       O2 tubing with yellow thumb moderated flow-jet

After-care In the unlikely event that you need to use the CICO kit – need to ensure that it appropriately re-stocked afterwards – Resus Nursing Staff will normally ensure this.
Video Coming soon


Uses Assessment of Upper Airway (Foreign bodies, Burns, etc)
Location Main Drug Room
How to use Connects to CMAC screen.

Should only be used by or under supervision of senior medical staff.

After-care Disconnect from CMAC screen.

Wipe down with gauze

Place back in container, ensure connectors are in container as well

Send to CSSD for cleaning

Video Coming soon



Uses ENT procedures/ Foreign body removal
Location ED – AC drug room – Locked Cupboard (Code to access key cupboard 5678). The battery charger is also here.

SSOU – 6A drug room

How to use
After-care Please ensure it is turned off

Wipe down with V-wipe

Place back into dedicated container

Return to AC drug room (Important!)

Video Coming soon


ENT trolley
Uses Epistaxis

Foreign bodies


Otitis Externa

Location AC – Similar trolley to IV Cannulation trolleys
How to use
After-care Wipe down with V-wipe

Return to AC

Video Coming soon


Uses Dental Injuries

-       Ellis 2/3 Fractures

-       Dental Luxation / Extrusion – Splinting

Location AC Drug Room - Locked Cupboard (Code to access key cupboard 5678)
How to use Glass Ionomer Compound – Used for Splinting Teeth

Calcium Hydroxide Compound – Used Covering pulp in Ellis 2/3 fractures.

Emergency Dental Hand-book


After-care Return to AC Drug Room
Video Coming soon


Uses Foreign body removal

Eye examination

Location Eye Room
How to use
After-care Ensure Slit lamp has been turned off after use, otherwise the bulb will burn out.

Wipe down with V-wipe.

Ensure any disposables are thrown out.

Video Coming soon


Uses Measuring intra-ocular pressure
Location AC Drug Room - Locked Cupboard (Code to access key cupboard 5678)
How to use Tonometer – Icare rebound tonometer
After-care Ensure disposable probe is removed and discarded.

Wipe down the Tonometer.

Place back in dedicated container

Return to AC Drug Room

Video How to set-up and use the iCare tonometer

How to Measure eye pressure and Troubleshooting iCare Tonometer


Uses Paediatric Procedures

-       IV Cannulation

-       Blood taking

-       IM injections

-       Suturing

Location Main Drug Room
How to use Virtual Reality Based Head-set – if used while performing procedures, can help significantly with procedural anxiety.
After-care Wipe down with V-wipe

Place back on Charge in the Main Drug Room

Video Coming soon


Uses Reduction of Forearm Fractures

Possibly other forearm procedures as discussed with senior clinician

Location Plaster Room

Can be moved to another Treatment Room/ Resus Cubicle if needed

How to use See Prompt  – Local Anaesthetic Manipulation & Plaster (LAMP) Protocol

The Local Anaesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST) box is kept in the AC medication room, in the cupboard under the computer. A list of contents is kept with the box. If you ever need to use this, please ensure it is restocked after use.

After-care Wipe cuff with V-wipes
Video Coming soon


Uses Emergency Drugs

Lateral Canthotomy

Transvenous Pacing

Acute Glaucoma Management

Oesophageal Variceal Bleeding management

Emergency Burr Holes

Location Lives in resus – in front of staff station.
How to use Top 2x Drawers – contain Emergency Drugs.

3rd Drawer contains Equipment for Transvenous Pacing

4th Drawer contains Lateral Canthotomy Kit/ Acute Glaucoma Kit and Adrenaline/Noradrenaline and Isoprenaline Infusion kits.

5th Drawer contains Burr Hole Kit and Sengstaken Blakemore Tubes.

After-care If any kits are used, please ensure that you let the CNC’s know so that these can be restocked.
Video Coming soon


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