Anatomy - Pelvis
2010/1: This as a midline sagittal section of a pelvis. Name the major anatomical structures. Describe the boundaries and relations of the Pouch of Douglas.
2010/1: What bones make up this structure, and what are their major features? What are the lateral rotators of the femur and where do they originate?
2009/2: Describe the parts of the urethra and the course of each. Where is it narrowest? In a case of rupture of the spongy urethra, where does urine extravasate?
2009/2: Identify the ureter in this photo. Describe the course of the ureter. Where are the pints of narrowing? What vascular structures can you identify in this photo?
2008/2: Please demonstrate the major anatomical structures in the photo. Please describe the innervation of the bladder. Please identify any nerves that innervate the bladder.
2008/1: Describe the major bony features seen on this x-ray. Demonstrate the bony attachments of the main muscles which flex the hip.
2007/2: Identify the structures in this photo. Please show the potential spaces where free fluid can accumulate in the pelvis
2007/1: What structures are visible in this buttock dissection? Describe the course of the sciatic nerve in the thigh. Describe its motor distribution in the thigh.
2006/1: This is a photograph of the back of the right thigh. This is the medial aspect. Could you identify the numbered structures? (adductor gracilis/ semitendinosus/ semimebranosus/ long head bicep/ short head biceps/ quadratus femoris/ iliotibial band/ gluteus maximus/ adductor magnus) Can you identify the sciatic nerve? What is the course of the sciatic nerve in the thigh?
2005/2: Identify the main features of this bone. Describe the origin and course of the sciatic nerve.