Anatomy - Lower limb - Foot
2009/2: Please identify the bones on this x-ray. What joints and movements occur at the ankle joint.
2009/2: Identify the bones of the ankle and foot. What are the parts of the talus. Demonstrate the attachments of the lateral ligaments of the ankle.
2009/1: Name the bones of the foot. Which are these constitute medial longitudinal arch. What are the major factors contributing to the stability of the foot? What is the function of the longitudinal arches of the foot?
2008/1: Identify the bones of the tarsus. Demonstrate the attachments of the medial collateral ligament (='deltoid ligament'). Describe the structures running immediately posterior to the medial malleolus.
2007/2: Demonstrate the attachments of the inferior extensor retinaculum. Identify the structures passing beneath the inferior extensor retinaculum.
2007/2: Demonstrate the structures passing the medial malleolus. What is the cutaneous innervation of the tibial nerve?
2007/1: What bones can you identify in this ankle and foot? What are the neurovascular relations of the medial malleolus? How much of the skin of the foot is blocked if you do a post tibial block behind the medial malleoulus?
2006/2: Please demonstrate the attachments of the ligaments of the ankle. What factors contribute stability of the ankle?
2006/2: Please demonstrate the insertions of the muscles of the posterior compartment of the muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg. Please demonstrate the insertions of the muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg.
2006/1: Identify this x-ray. What factors contribute to the stability of the ankle joint. Demonstrate the attachments of the lateral ligament on the x-ray.
2005/1: What nerves are responsible for sensation of the great toe? What roots? What myotomes govern the movement of the great toe?
2005/1: Identify the major bony features visible on this x ray. Describe the ligaments that stabilize the ankle joint.
2004/2: Describe the myotomes of the lower limb. What functional deficit results from injury to the femoral nerve and why?
2004/2: Commencing with its origin in the foot, describe the course and relations of the long saphenous vein. What functional deficits result from a tibial nerve injury at the knee and explain why. (?discussion/ photo)
2003/2: Demonstrate the bony features of the ankle joint. Demonstrate the capsular attachments. Demonstrate the ligamentous attachment
2003/2: Describe the sensory innervation of the foot. Demonstrate the dermatomes below the knee.
2003/1: Using this model can you identify the muscles involved in plantar flexion at the ankle? What is the nerve supply of these muscles?