LinksGeneral EM and critical careSay no more From Cliff Reid at Sydney HEMS RadiologyThis is one of the best radiology learning sites I have ever seen Wiki based, full of Q&A learning, good place to look up oddities ECG nerds look no furtherA new site from Amit Maini and Linas Dziukas at The Alfred Take your ischaemia spotting to a new level EBM Develop your critical review skills TOXToxicological matters, clinical and cultural Podcasts and Audio CMEIf ever you needed some help to get inspired about ED ultrasound or some tutelage to get good at it go here. You could stay here for weeks soaking up all the FOAMy goodness. When you are done, download their Introduction to ultrasoud Vol 1 and 2 ibooks to your ipad, and their app, and then go to their annual workshop in a replica medieval castle in rural Kentucky.Jerry Hoffman is my hero. Unfortunately he has sort of retired. He and Rick Bukata presented this monthly EM literature critical review digest since William Osler was a boy (or just about). Now some new EM education folk rotate through the chair with Rick. You have to pay for it but if you really care about EBM then it will be money well spent.EMRAP is another pay subscription, monthly audio podcast. It is not quite as old as EMA but it has still been around long enough for there to have been episodes distributed on casette tape. It is a bt like being at the Thursday morning teaching of a really top notch emergency medicine training program with a mixture of lectures, interviews, rants and banter on a broad range of topics. Mel Herbet whose baby it is started out life in a tiny town out past Sea Lake somewhere and trained at the Alfred before becoming a Californian and learning to say "toob" when he means "tube" is produced by Scott Weingart, an Emergency Physician intensivist from NYC. He came to my attention as a regular presenter on EMRAP and now has a huge following of his own with good reason. His podcasts are free but high value. He digests new critcare research, interviews leading educators, clinicians and researchers from around the world and continuously advocates for passionate, high quality critical care. ERcast, like EMcrit, is a blog that provides teasers for a podcast, which is where the real meat is. While EMcrit focusses on pointy end stuff, ERcast is a bit more nuts-and-bolts EM. The presenter, Rob Orman, also preents regularly on EMRAP.(Relatively) Static WebsitesWheeless textbook of orthopedics is an enormous textbook of orthopedics from Duke University available free online. When you ring your ortho reg you can bet they are looking at this on the other end of the phone while they tell you how much you don't know about orthopedics. The best thing is it is searchable via a clickable Vesalius skeleton illustration.The Australian Orthopedic Society provides the excellent AO Trauma Surgery Reference which is specific to fractures. Advantages over Wheeless are that the Australian classification systems are used and that there is a great deal of information on each fracture including diagnosis and classification, managment (all the way to ORIF) and aftercare. It is also available as a smart phone app. It is a bit more orientated to the training or general orthopedic surgeon rather than the Emergency Medicine doc but can be very helpful all the same.Dental EmergenciesThis is a short online course in dental emergencies developed by the NSW agency for clinical improvement. The ACEM eLearning site (follow the link or click on eLearning on the ACEM home page) was put together for the Emergency Medicine certificate-diploma pathway but is now open to all ACEM members and trainees.Improving ED Care is a new edcentral-style site from Aukland Hospital in NZ. It has a big and growing collection of ACEM exam resourses which is great since The Austin's collapsed due to industrial is maintained by the burns units at The Alfred and RCH and is a treasure trove of burns management advice.